Outfit | Pastel!*

h&m, parfois, nixon watch, blogger, fashion, style h&m, parfois, nixon, blogger, fashion, style h&m, parfois, nixon, blogger, fashion, style
Bodysuit .. H&M | Skirt .. H&M | Sandals .. New Look | Bag .. Parfois

There's this meme about finally putting on this outfit you had envisioned and you look like a potato.. It's one of my faves because it's so relatable! However, on this day I had the opposite feeling.. I was like 'yaaas, bomb!' but maybe too much for where I was going? Maybe I should save the outfit for later?

Nope, we go by the motto 'wear whatever we want, when we want'.. So, here I am, with my cute outfit, without my standard scoped out location to make my picture more blog worthy.. But you know what, sometimes, it's ok.. 

Raw, in the moment pictures with lesser lighting can be just as inspiring 'cause this outfit still poppin'.. Loves it!*



The Pink Elephant Shoe said...

You look so cute dear x
THE PINK ELEPHANT SHOE // facebook // instagram //

paulina augusto said...

So cutie ! Nice skirt.


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