When Late, Neutralize!*

Hello loves...

Yesterday was a great day...Like always, I was running late...Actually not always but when I have class at 13.00, I just can't manage to get out of bed...Any other day or time, I'm fine! Anyways...I was the last one to walk in the room after class had already started...If the trams would come when I need them, I would've been fine!

After that first class we had a 2 hour break so my friend and I went for lunch...How fun! We had great food and great conversations, just pure awesomeness! Afterwards we had to head back to school for Spanish class...And than we went for drinks...We caught up on a whole lot and just had a terrific day!

These kind of days are my favorites...

This is what I was wearing when I barged into the class room 10 minutes late...

H&M Pants & Shirt...Soho Jacket...Primark Ballerinas

How was your day? Hope just as cute as mine...Ms. Allee...xXx


David Diaz said...

I love your outfit, it's so edgy chic! :D

Have a Good Day!



Chanel said...

Cute outfit!! Those flats are adorable.

Great blog : )



I love neutrals!! Kisses!

Katherine said...

Lovely jacket and top....I love the bird detail :)

Anonymous said...

effortlessly chic x

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